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CA B. Com.

Member of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand
Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand Accredited SMSF Specialist

Glen graduated from Edith Cowan University with a Bachelor of Education in November 1984 and after traveling for approximately 12 months, began a Bachelor of Commerce in 1986.

Glen commenced his career as a Chartered Accountant in November 1986 working for KMG Hungerfords and then Arthur Andersen (upon the merger of the two). He graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce in November 1988 and completed his Professional Year to qualify as a Chartered Accountant in 1990.

He continued his employment with Arthur Andersen, including a two year overseas period until September of 1995, when he became a sole practitioner. In July 1999 Glen formed a partnership with Joe Peczka, to commence the practice known as Cornerstone Partners.

CA B. Com.

Member of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand
Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand Accredited SMSF Specialist

Joe graduated from the University of Western Australia with a Bachelor of Commerce in November 1982. He then commenced his career as a Chartered Accountant with a small Chartered Accounting practice in West Perth in January 1983 and completed his Professional Year to qualify as a Chartered Accountant in April 1985.

As a result of mergers and acquisitions Joe progressed from working with a small practice to working as a senior manager with Arthur Andersen in 1987 where he worked until 1994 before he became a sole practitioner in July 1995. Joe joined Glen in July 1999 to form the practice of Cornerstone Partners.

Joe has over 33 years experience in advising privately owned businesses of the commercial and taxation issues that they face from commencing business right through to ultimate sale or retirement.

CA CTA B.Com. B.Sc.

Member of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand
Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand Accredited SMSF Specialist
Chartered Tax Advisor of the Tax Institute

Laurie graduated from the University of Western Australia with a Bachelor of Science in November 1981. He then worked in various commercial enterprises before commencing additional study in January 1984.

Laurie graduated from the University of Western Australia with a Bachelor of Commerce in November 1986 and then commenced his accounting career with KMG Hungerfords in January of 1987.

Laurie completed his Chartered Accountants’ Professional Year qualifications in January 1989 whilst in the employ of KMG Hungerfords and then Arthur Anderson (upon the merger of the two).

Laurie commenced employment with Huigens & Co in January 1990 which later was merged into Huigens Harris Pty Chartered Accountants. In July 1994, he was admitted as partner in the practice Harris Lapsley Pty which continued until June 2000 when he joined Glen and Joe in the partnership Cornerstone Partners.

Laurie has over 29 years’ experience in advising on commercial and taxation issues facing businesses and individuals, from commencing and managing businesses, through sale or retirement, management of superannuation and even estate planning.

CA B. Com.

Member of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand.

Nicholas commenced his career working with Glen Gurney & Co. in March 1999. His employment was continued with the formation of Cornerstone Partners in July 1999 by Glen Gurney and Joe Peczka.

Nicholas graduated from Curtin University with a Bachelor of Commerce in February 2004. He then completed the Chartered Accountants Program in October 2007 and was admitted into the Institute of Chartered Accountants in January 2008.

Nicholas offers a wealth of experience, high technical competency and intimate knowledge of his clients’ business affairs. He was promoted to a Partner of the Firm in July 2008.