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Cornerstone Partners

About Us

Buying a property, starting a business, getting a loan, growing your business, introducing a partner, planning retirement, managing risks or making a will – how you deal with each of these facets of your life can have an impact on how well you accumulate and protect your assets.

Taxation Services

How you deal with all the various taxes that affect your business will ultimately impact on how well you accumulate your wealth. We provide a comprehensive service on the following taxation matters.

  • Income Tax
  • Goods and Services Tax
  • Capital Gains Tax
  • Fringe Benefits Tax
  • Payroll Tax
  • Income Tax Planning

Accounting & Business Consulting

At Cornerstone Partners we pride ourselves on being proactive rather than reactive when it comes to you and your business. Our aim is to assist in the efficiency and profitability of your business by delivering advice that is timely and appropriate to your needs. Our professional staff can provide advice on various issues relating to your accounting and business requirements including:

  • Advice on appropriate business structures
  • Acquisition and disposal of businesses and associated tax implications
  • Cashflow planning
  • Preparation of financial accounts


Cornerstone Partners specialise in assisting you to manage your tax obligations with the maximum effect in savings to you. Our professional team are kept up to date with the latest tax legislative changes through continuous professional education and training. Regardless of your structure, be it, Trust, Company, Partnership, or Self Managed Superannuation Fund nobody should make a significant business decision without seeking the advice of a taxation specialist.


  • Income Tax
  • Goods and Services Tax
  • Capital Gains Tax
  • Fringe Benefits Tax
  • Payroll Tax
  • Income Tax Planning


  • Cashflow Planning
  • Preparation of financial accounts


  • Advice on appropriate business structures
  • Acquisition and disposal of businesses and associated tax implications